Liebster Award Nomination!

We've been nominated by This Girl Reads A Lot for the Liebster Award. 

What's the Liebster award? Well, it's not a real, live award you can hold in your hands and kiss and show to all your friends. (Okay, I guess you COULD do all of those things but you would look a little weird, so I don't suggest it.) It's a sweet little chain-mail-blog type thing that was set up (as far as I can tell) way before 2010 to help new blogs get some recognition! There's simple rules and after that, it's all yours - to do whatever you'd like with. (Just don't post any pictures of weird stuff, okay?) Some sources say you're to nominate blogs with less than 200 followers. Others say blogs with less than 10k. That's quite a gap, so how bout I just nominate blogs I love? okay? okay. (tfios reference...) 

You have to answer 10 questions posted to you by your nominator and then post ten questions to your nominees! Here's the questions I was asked! 

1.What got you into blogging?/Why'd you start blogging?
Amber: I started blogging after I had a really.. REALLY rough birth experience. I used it as a coping mechanism for everything I was going through. That turned into a product review blog, which turned into a book blog... and that's where you are now. (Hopefully on purpose but if not I hope you stay a while!) I went to school for mass communications (journalism) so this is right up my alley and I heart it.. like. a lot. 
Kameron: I started blogging once Amber found my book fan-page account on Instagram and asked me if I were interested.  I jumped on it ASAP and never looked back!
2.Favorite books:
This list is way too long and goes on and on and really sorry. 
Amber: The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, anything by John Green, Vampire Academy, Bloodlines, anything that lovely lady Lauren Destefano writes (she's so awesome), The Winterhaven Series by Kristi Cook, I recently fell in love with Sabrina Elkins and Jonathan Cook - so you should check them out, too.... and of course I really love projects I've worked on in some way: In A Hearbeat Series by Teodora Kostova, The Fires of Providence series by Dawn Jayne, and Flightless Series by Keri Neal. 
Kameron: This seems like some kind of sick torture.  The kind where they try to get information out of me that I don't have.  But if I HAD to pick some, I'd swing towards The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare; Room by Emma Donoghue; The 5th Wave by Rick Yancy; The Secret Star by K.C. Finn.

3.Favorite book quote and why:
Amber: "Don't Just Exist. Live." - Teodora Kostova, In A Heartbeat. Why? I actually had this on my dorm room wall in college as a reminder that life is short after losing my high school boyfriend to an accident. Then, I saw it in her book and well.. the rest is history.
Kameron: "It's not like a stab wound you can protect me from.  It's a million little paper cuts every day." - Alec Lightwood, City of Lost Souls.  I think we call all agree on why this is mine and so many other's favorite.  Fun Fact: I had to write a paper to the president during all the debates and stuff, and I sent him this quote :D

4.What is one thing besides books you cannot live without?
Amber: Music. 100% Music.
Kameron: Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo.

5.Recommend three books
Amber: Well. I'm going to give you the three I've worked on in some way because shameless self plugs are FUN. 
1 - Fires of Providence Series: The Uprising (out now), Crises (out this fall) by Dawn Jayne
2 - Flightless (out now), Hopeless (flightless no. 2 out this fall) by Keri Neal
3 - In A Heartbeat (out now), Then, Now, Forever (out this month) by Teodora Kostova (new adult)
Kameron:  I am VERY mainstream with my books, so I'll probably recommend ones you've already read. First, In The Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters; second; Gone by Michael Grant; third, The 5th Wave by Rick Yancy.

6. Favorite snack
Amber: Is it weird if I say nacho cheese? Probably. Okay. Nacho cheese. 
Kameron: Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo.  I really like it, guys.

7.Favorite time and place to read
Amber: Usually in the bath or at night when I'm winding down. Rainy days are good, too. 
Kameron: I'll read any time of day, but I have two favorite times and places.  I love reading on our backyard patio in the late afternoon (in the shade, of course) while sitting on our outdoor porch swing, and then during the wee hours of the morning in the comfort of my bed, with the family asleep and my window wide open..

8. If you could switch places with one fictional character, who would it be and why?
Amber: OH. Man. What a life. Uh. I'm gonna go with Hazel Grace from The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. Most people are reading this going "omg. why that's so awful" but hear me out! It's because she lives and loves without boundaries. She doesn't let life and what may lie ahead stand in her way. I respect her for that. The same can be said for Cami from Stir Me Up by Sabrina Elkins (it's a new favorite. go read it)
Kameron: If I can only choose one, I'll go with Percy Jackson from (you guessed it) the Percy Jackson series.  I LOVE mythology, and I think living in his shoes, learning his abilities, and also figuring out that his brain is wired exactly as it should be is very empowering.

9. One book you wish you could go back in time and unread?
Amber: I'm gonna say ... The Fault in Our Stars again. Not because it was awful, but because I know re-reading it won't touch me the same as reading it the first time did - regardless of all the tears I cried. I could say the same for Youth and Other Fictions by Jonathan Cook.
Kameron: City of Glass by Cassandra Clare.  That is the best book in the series, and it contains SO much OTP, and world building, and background story, it was just groundshaking for me to read it, and I would sell my Jeep for the chance to have a fresh read of that book.

10. Favorite book related website (ex. Goodreads, LibraryThing) and why?
Amber: Goodreads. Hands down. I just really like being able to click "send message" and be able to get in touch with anyone there.. be it author or reader. 
Kameron: GoodReads, for the explicit reason that it allows me to reorganize my shelves and track my progress. PS: come be my friend, readabookyounerd.

So, now that you've read our answers, it's time to copy and paste our questions, put them in a blog post of your own with that sweet image up top and nominate your favorite blogs! Have fun!

In no particular order, I nominate: 

My Questions: 
1. What's your favorite thing about blogging?
2. Least favorite thing about blogging?
3. If you could only take 3 books with you in a fire, which 3 would you take?
4. Most prized bookish possession?
5. Favorite fictional character?
6. Favorite Author? Let's pick 3 that you think have changed the book world in some way.
7. Favorite blogs?
8. Advice for new bloggers?
9. Favorite book cover?
10. 3 words that describe you. Go. 

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