Review: All Lined Up + Giveaway

All Lined Up by Cora Carmack

Soooo Happy I can finally share my review with you guys!! I've read All Lined Up a total of THREE times since I got my  hands on it (yeah. It's not even releasing until May 13. That should tell you how awesome it is.) I've been blessed enough to be brought on to the street team for All Lined Up, so I got to read it a little sooner than most bloggers (waaaaahooooo) and I am totally, irrevocably, in love with these characters. 

All Lined Up is a stellar debut novel in the Rusk University series by Cora Carmack. There is no other series that has roped me in to the minds of the characters as well as Cora did in All Lined Up. Cora’s style is fast and witty.. and almost always includes an awkward character that just can’t quite get her shit together – which we can ALL relate to (okay, or at least I can). All Lined Up is no different in that aspect.

These characters are so alive in my head that I feel like I could call them up on the phone, or shoot them a text, and damn! I really wanna go to Rusk University! Dallas Cole is hilarious, and her inner monologue is eerily close to the shit storm that swirls around in my brain every single day. 

Carson McClain? He’s not much different. He has real life struggles that anyone who’s ever stepped foot into any sort of competitive endeavor can relate to. It really doesn’t hurt that he’s hotter than boiled crawfish in the Louisiana Bayou. (Yeah… I totally just went there.. god I really want some crawfish…) 

Stella Santos is the perfect side kick for Dallas and her sometimes embarrassingly awkward moments, and their dialogue will have you laughing no matter the kind of mood you’re in. I can’t wait until I can sink my teeth into another book in this series, because I know that it’ll be just as amazing. 
What is really awesome about this book is that it’s a peek into how Cora grew up. They always say “write what you know” and she did. You can tell it with every word on the page, that Cora has some intense and passionate feelings - whether they’re the good or bad kind – about growing up in Texas (or anywhere in the deep south, really) as a football coach’s daughter. If you’re not from the south, let me clue you in. Football….it’s a religion, one that everyone practices, whether they believe in it or not. You really get a good glimpse of that in this book.

Oh, and the book doesn't exactly lack in the "steamy" department either..... Did I mention how hot Carson is? 

I sincerely hope you’ll check out not just All Lined Up, but the whole Rusk University series, and if you haven’t read any Cora Carmack, that you’ll come back asking me what else she’s written and where you can buy it. I really think you’ll be glad you did.

Rusk University: Where there are No Easy Days.

Be sure you check out Football Fridays every Friday leading up to the release of All Lined Up!
Here's what would be awesome. If you pre ordered the book. I promise you'll love it... and I'll even give away some swag for you guys to have a chance to grab if you pre order! ..... come on now. That's incentive. 
Pre Order Links: 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

{{Read an Excerpt here}}

Connect With Cora!

Don't forget! You can come meet 3/4 of the grownupfangirl/ohthebookfeels staff plus (and let's be honest, this is the part that matters) ALL of these amazing authors, including Cora Carmack, herself in Nashville this June! Details can be found here.

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