BREATHLESS FOR HIM by Sofia Tate Read-A-Long + Giveaway

We’re having a read along for Sofia Tate’s Breathless For Him. Each day we’ll be highlighting three chapters, with notes from Sofia! Be sure to follow along as we get ready for the release of Devoted to Him on December 2nd.

Read Along Chapter 7-9
Favorite quotes:

I bite the inside of my lower lip to keep myself calm as I start taking deep breaths. My eyes roam over him. His cocoa-brown suede boots contrast against the bleached white of the shop’s tiled floor. In a similarly colored suede jacket over a cream crewneck sweater, pressed blue jeans, topped by a cashmere scarf wrapped around his neck, he is too beautiful for words.
However, the image he is seeing when he looks at me does not project the same sophistication.
With a white paper hat pinned to my head, my clothes hidden under a white apron stained with meat juice, and holding a lengthy sausage in my hands, I can’t imagine a greater way of mortifying myself in front of this man.


I swallow in my throat, nodding to his shaft. “Harvard, that thing is going to tear me apart.”
He starts crawling onto the bed, his eyes boring into me, smirking mischievously. “It won’t, trust me. But even if it did, I’m the one who’s going to put you back together. Because you’re mine.”

Chapters 7-9
Davison does his best trying to get Allegra to forgive him for not being honest with her. He shows up at her father’s butcher shop on a Saturday morning and pleads with her to give him another chance. He does this in front of her father and his customers. She gives in and they go to a nearby café to talk. He apologizes and she admits that she has missed him. They becomes aroused, and she takes him back to her apartment (Papa is still in the shop downstairs) where he finger fucks her to seal their reunion.

Davison invites her to dinner at his apartment in Battery Park City. They dance to “Avalon” by Bryan Ferry because Davison says the song reminds him of when he first saw her. They have sex for the first time.

At Le Bistro, Ashton stops by to see Allegra and tells her she’s delusional if she thinks she and Davison will last. Ashton says they’re engaged and to look for a ring in Davison’s desk in his home office.

That night when Allegra returns home from work, a note is waiting for her from an unknown sender with only the words “I KNOW WHO YOU ARE” printed on the letter. She sinks to the floor in fear and panic.

About Breathless For Him: For fans of New York Times bestselling authors Samantha Young, Sylvia Day, and E. L. James

BFHcover2 (1)comes the stunning, erotically charged story about a woman who's not looking for love and the tempting billionaire who left her breathless . . . As a gifted opera singer, Allegra Orsini's only obsession is music-until she meets him. A strikingly handsome and powerful man with a life splashed across the tabloids, Davison Cabot Berkeley isn't what she expected. He's unlike the other wealthy patrons who dine at Le Bistro. Davison sees more than just a coat-check girl working her way through grad school. And from the moment he looks at her, those deep green eyes ignite a fire inside Allegra she's never felt before. She craves Davison's touch-his possession-endlessly. Even though every fiber of her being is telling her to stay away, that it's best for both of them, she can't. As his passion consumes her, Allegra can no longer deny Davison's hold on her. He'll never let her go. But as much as she wants him, Allegra can't surrender to his love-not until she faces a painful secret from her past that could destroy them both . . .   Breathless For Him Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble Preorder Devoted to Him: Amazon |B&N  

authorphoto2  About Sofia Tate: Growing up in Maplewood, New Jersey, Sofia Tate was shy, quiet, and never misbehaved thanks to her Catholic school upbringing. If only the nuns could see her now-an author of contemporary erotic romance novels that have gorgeous Alpha heroes, strong heroines, and loads of naughty words and hot sex! She has an MFA in creative writing from Adelphi University. Sofia has lived in London and Prague. She currently resides in New York City.   Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Pinterest | Website  


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 a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. I think this sounds like a completely sexy read, where my mouth might be hanging open without even being aware of it half the time! lol


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