Blog Tour: SUGAR by Deirdre Riordan Hall - Ten Questions with Sugar!
Today, we have Ten Questions with (the fictional character) Sugar, aka Mercy Bella Legowski-Gracia from the eponymous young adult novel, Sugar by Deirdre Riordan Hall
About the Book:
Sugar by Deirdre Riordan Hall
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
// Age Group: Young Adult
I’m the fat Puerto Rican–Polish girl who doesn’t feel like she
belongs in her skin, or anywhere else for that matter. I’ve always been too
much and yet not enough.
Sugar Legowski-Gracia wasn’t always fat, but fat is what she is
now at age seventeen. Not as fat as her mama, who is so big she hasn’t gotten
out of bed in months. Not as heavy as her brother, Skunk, who has more meanness
in him than fat, which is saying something. But she’s large enough to be the
object of ridicule wherever she is: at the grocery store, walking down the
street, at school. Sugar’s life is dictated by taking care of Mama in their
run-down home—cooking, shopping, and, well, eating. A lot of eating, which
Sugar hates as much as she loves.
When Sugar meets Even (not Evan—his nearly illiterate father
misspelled his name on the birth certificate), she has the new experience of
someone seeing her and not her body. As their unlikely
friendship builds, Sugar allows herself to think about the future for the first
time, a future not weighed down by her body or her mother.
Soon Sugar will have to decide whether to become the girl she sees
in the mirror or sink into the darkness of the skin-deep role her family and
her life have created for her.
Get your copy of Sugar: Amazon // Barnes & Noble
Get your copy of Sugar: Amazon // Barnes & Noble
Hi, Sugar, thanks for stopping by today. I also want to thank Amber for having us on Grown Up Fan Gal. Cheers! So, Sugar, I hear you've recently taken a road trip. I'd love to find out more about your travels, but first, I want to hear more about you…shall we begin?
1. What's your favorite book?
My favorite book is Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell. Although sometimes books can be like space travel, taking me beyond anywhere I've ever been or anything I've ever felt, I related to Eleanor's situation in a way that isn't common in other fiction. There was a raw clarity that came through the agony she faced. I get it.
2. What do you want to be when you grow up?
When I grow up, I want to be an astronaut, but only if I have a say in what the space suits look like. Whatever I end up doing, there will be abundance of glitter.
3. What is your biggest pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve is when people throw rocks. I guess it's okay when no one else is around, but I was at the seashore recently and there was this kid hucking rocks all over the place. I thought he was going to hit himself, the seagulls, or me. It was antagonizing and wrong.
4. What is your favorite movie?
My favorite movie is Night at the Museum (the first one, but I like them all) because when I watch it, I think of magic, adventure, and a special night of my own in New York City.
5. Do you have a secret talent?
I can play Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star on the accordion, I sew my own clothes—my grandmother taught me, and they're fabulous—and my record for three-point shots in basketball is thirteen. I won't say whose head I was imagining was the ball.
6. If you had to wear a warning label, what would it say?
Watch out world, curvy girls are here to stay and we aren't afraid to say that we're beautiful.
7. What is your best memory?
My best memory is my first time on a motorcycle with Even. It was dangerous, liberating, and the closest I've come to flying, until of course I go to space. I'd also like to fly an airplane. That would be cool. But for now, anytime I get on the bike—so every day—I'm carried back to that first time; it was pretty special.
8. Do you have a life motto? What are your words to live by?
It's okay to say no. Because when I say no to things that make me uncomfortable, unhappy, or just don't feel right, I make room to say yes to things that make me feel good, happy, and worthy.
9. Who is your hero?
My heroine is Oprah Winfrey. She's courageous, gorgeous, and uses her influence to inspire and uplift people. She's real, isn't afraid to own up to her mistakes, and makes me feel calm. I don't want to sound weird or anything, but when I'm not sure what to do about a situation, I'll go on her site and type my question in the search bar. She always has solid advice.
10. What is your favorite word?
My favorite word is delicious, it even feels good on the tongue.
Deirdre Riordan Hall is the author of upper young adult and
new adult fiction. She spends her days writing at the custom-made desk her
husband crafted, with her family, or seaside, pretending she's a mermaid.
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Sugar, a bullied teenager who learns to
love the reflection of the girl she sees in the mirror. #yalit #fiction
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Through friendship, Sugar discovers she amounts to more
than a worthless daughter, an annoying sister, and the target of the senior
class prank.
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Sugar: novel. A girl, a friendship, a
motorcycle, and a green light. #YoungAdult #stopbodyshaming #books
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